Thursday, March 5, 2009

Pink Squeaky Shoes

A few weeks ago, I found these pink shoes for Savannah. I actually didn't know they squeaked till after I got them but Savannah loved them and they are what made her get really good at walking on her own. She loves that she can make them squeak herself! So I would recommend them to anyone who wants their kid to walk! I love that Savannah walks - lots of people told me it would be so much harder but even though I have to chase her around, I think its a thousand times easier than listening to her whine and whine at what she wants when she couldn't reach it herself! (and yes I posed those shoes like that...don't ask, I'm pretty sure its a disease!)


(Sorry this video is sideways, I didn't know it would come out like that...Here is our big walking girl...


Ammon and Tasha said...

I bought Izzy a pair of squeaky shoes too and I had NO IDEA that they squeaked! I put them on her and we started walking and we both stopped dead in our tracks and looked down at her shoes and we were wondering what the heck that noise was! i had never heard of shoes like that before! but i ended up loving them beacause whenever she ran away from me in a store or something i could always hear where she was at! way nice! i am sure the she drove other people nuts though!

Aaron and Jaquelyn said...

A friend of mine got a pair of squeaky shoes for Emma when she was little and she was HORRIFIED by them! I would put them on her and she wouldnt walk at all! when she put enough wait on them to make them squeak she would cry. Being the loving mom I am, I would put them on her when I wouldnt want her going anywhere :) she would stay standing perfectly still for an hour, just so the wouldnt make a noise.

Parish & Becca said...

Those shoes are awesome! Her little outfit is super cute too! She is one fashionista!

Matt and Debbie said...

That is so AWESOME!!! She is a doll!! And those squeaky shoes are great.