Saturday, August 30, 2008

Savanna's a Married Woman!!

No, not my Savannah, but our good friend from California who is also named Savanna:) Her brother Michael is one of my best friends from high school and my sister Anna was a bridesmaid so my sisters Emily and Anna and I all drove up to the Salt Lake Temple for her wedding on Thursday. She looked beautiful and it was perfect weather for her wedding (I was jealous because our wedding day was practically a blizzard!)
The cute bride and groom!
Beautiful Bride
My sister Anna is the second bridesmaid from the right:)
Anna and Savanna
My friend Randi came all the way from New York to be there! I think she should just stay here permanently and bum around at my house! On the right is my friend Micheal (big Savanna's brother:)

cute bridesmaids
Me and Michael
Micheal said he's still confused that I have a baby:)
My sister Emily watching Savannah for me while I take a million pictures
Thanks emily!

1 comment:

Beck said...

What a cute wedding. My wedding was hot pink too. I love the bridesmaid dresses. Savannah (my niece) :) was so beautiful. I love how you did her hair. So cute!