Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Savannah Irene - 8 months old





At 8 months old Savannah:

-can crawl a little bit but thinks screaming is easier
-LOVES music.  She waits for David's radio alarm to come on every morning and then dances as long as the music is on.
-Has 2 teeth (bottom front)
-Bites everything (including her parents)
-loves to walk around holding someone's hands
-interrupts all conversations with babbling until she is the loudest
-waves goodbye if she is in a good mood
-has tantrums complete with throwing back her head and kicking...hmm.
-likes to get kisses

I wanted to take an angelic little baby picture with this cute pink baby bracelet her cousin Brianna bought for her but all she wanted to do was bite it.


Parish & Becca said...

how cute!! In the one picture of her mouth on the crib, she looks like little Cindy Lou Who from The Grinch :)

Crystal said...

I LOVE that second picture! What a cute little grouch!

Matt and Debbie said...

Where did you get that crib from?